Friday, July 26, 2013


I have been thinking a lot lately about deep beauty and what it really means to possess true beauty. One of my favorite quotes is from one of my role models Audrey Hepburn. It says..

"For Beautiful Eyes, look for the good in others. For Beautiful Lips, speak only words of kindness. For a Slim Figure, share your food with the hungry. and For Poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."

Elaine S. Dalton gave a talk entitled "Shine!" She said.. "I wish every Young Woman would know that her beauty does not lie in makeup or hip clothing or the latest styles in hair or jewelry. It lies in her righteousness. This is called "deep beauty"- the kind of beauty that shines form the inside out. It is the kind of beauty that does not wash off. It is spiritual attractiveness. To show this kind of beauty; you must SPARKLE."

S   Smile and remember that you are a Daughter of God
P   Pray Every Day
A  Attitude- be positive, look for the good
R   Read in the Book of Mormon five minutes a day
K  Keep the Commandments
L   Live the standards with exactness
E   Example- be an example of the believers

I hope and pray that I may someday be worthy to possess this kind of beauty. To truly shine from the inside out. I KNOW my Father in Heaven lives & I KNOW that he is with me every step of the way if I but only invite him to accompany me. I am so grateful for my own mother who possess this "deep beauty." For her grace and elegance. Thank you for being my SPARKLE, Mom!!